Release Notes 4.5.3
Tired of scrolling between all the custom fields? Well say less, because this release brings filtering between custom fields groups! It's also all about increasing system and data processing speed, an...
Tired of scrolling between all the custom fields? Well say less, because this release brings filtering between custom fields groups! It's also all about increasing system and data processing speed, an...
Ready to level up? This update is all about increasing system speed—working with big amounts of data is no longer be a problem! Lightning-fast tables, smoother transitions, and fresh customization o...
Version 4.1.0 is here! 🎉 We’ve added smarter value metrics so you can track automations like a pro, and a shiny new menu in spaces that gives you quick access to everything you need. Oh, and we f...
The long-awaited version #4 is finally here! We've been listening to your feedback, meticulously testing, and refining both the old and new features to create the best version yet. Check out the relea...
Olalaa, this list of release notes is pretty rich–hope you've got some time to explore features of the very last update before the grand #4! The Projects Module now shines with fresh layouts, custom...
The days of endless scrolling through databases are over. This release brings you an updated version of a super useful feature in the Integrator: Filtering. Continue reading this article for all innov...
Release 3.19 is here! In this smaller update we've focused on Importing Flow, making your life easier while choosing triggers and adding a Search feature to notifications. On top of that we've made sm...
Release 3.18 is here! This update is all about making your experience smoother and more personalized. We’ve added handy features like remembering your last system view, streamlined navigation, and f...
Another release packed with exciting new features and improvements designed to enhance your experience. Highlights of this release include the addition of new icons for better notification clarity, th...
More than 150 tasks we completed within this release! Apart from miner fixes and improvements, in today's release notes, we're bringing you a list of new features and system enhancements, that you'll ...
This time, we've made notable progress in speeding up the system, especially in table mode. With decreased hardware load, the platform now performs better on lower-performance devices and mobile phone...
Following our latest update, a couple of little birds have told us that setting up our in-and-out integration scenarios was wayy too complicated. So, we didn't just sit around and dove headfirst into ...
This release introduces several enhancements designed to elevate the user experience on our platform. We're so excited and super grateful for the recent and continuous surge in our platform's user bas...
This release is big! Our team has been hard at work to bring you new enhancements. With the latest release, you will come across a completely revamped Chart module (so big it deserves a separate artic...
We're excited to unveil our latest release, brimming with enhancements. We've added the possibility for users to work with purchases without linking to receipt, introduced the new 'Linked items' custo...
The 10th release of 3.0 is here, and it’s a BIG ONE. Apart from some adjustments to the modules and system settings, this release is all about the new desktop! All recent scenarios and lastly visite...
A new month means a new release! This time, we made a couple of adjustments, mainly in the system settings. Now, you can search through Fields and Custom field groups, experience the refreshed design ...
Hola Boosters, time flies when you’re having fun! We’re back with some major improvements today! Now you have the option to implement our pre-made use cases when creating integrations, book a quic...
What's up Boosters 🚀 Time flies when you're having fun! You didn't think we were chilling this summer, right! Oh no, we've been hard at work enhancing and boosting our game. Ready to explore some f...
We are thrilled to announce that the long-awaited 3.0 is here, and it's time for our early access and Beta testing participants to join the excitement!
With the new release, we bring many more improvements. You can now see the "Note" column in the stock requirements listing in the contract, and we have added EDIT mode to listing items in all modules....
In the current release you will see, for example, a new design of the System Login page, a new option for bulk editing of items in the table view in the Custom module, and bug fixes such as a broken D...
In the latest version of the system, we focused on the following changes and improvements: easier creation of custom fields in the custom module (for administrators), the ability to link stock movemen...
In the new system version v2.17.0, you can expect the following improvements: an extension of bulk actions in the Stock items module, easier adding of Embed/iFrame function to the main desktop, adding...
A week has passed, and we bring you a new version of the system full of new features and updates. You can look forward to, for instance, displaying the number of operations performed in the integrator...
We are here with a new release! In version 2.15.0, we've focused on several UX and UI improvements while fixing essential parts of the system. For example, you'll encounter a new design for the user o...
With the new release, we have prepared the following features for you: a brand new community, which you can access with one click on the icon directly in the system, a new section in the s...
We bring you a new version of the system! We have focused, for example, on updating the menu editor in the settings, the ability to set the priority of tokens needed for integrations, or the improveme...
In the new version of the system, v2.11.0, the following features are included: new colour schemes, improved full-text search or, for example, more efficient creation of items via drop-down lists.
As part of the new version v2.10.0, we have prepared many new features for you! Among them, you will find, for example, the possibility of adding an hourly holiday rate to a user, the function of ment...
A new version of the system with serial number v2.7.0 is coming! In this version, you can look forward to a new text editor, stock guidances in PDF format, the possibility to add a time estimate for e...
In the system's latest version, we have focused on extending column grouping, more efficient creation of new items, improved tooltips, a new XML template type in the Invoices module, and much more. ...
The milestone system version v2.4.0 is here! In this update, we bring you a new way to integrate and centralize your data, the possibility to create your custom module or a new and more precise table ...
We have released another update full of improvements and new features called v2.0.42. The main new features in this version are the grouping of items in a table view according to their statuses, label...
The new version of v2.0.40 is here, Batch Actions for more efficient work with items, new product pricing by a coefficient (Products module), expanded table views and much more.
Contextual menus are here! The new update brings several significant changes that will make using the system easier and faster. From now on, you can change statuses, assign tags, share, export, print,...