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Centralize data and automate business processes with HubSpot CRM integrations

Streamline your business processes by centralizing your HubSpot CRM data. connects to your IT tools and helps aggregate their data into central databases. Data centralization serves as the foundation for easy collaboration across teams, process automation across tools, and data analysis with a complete story.

Integrate HubSpot CRM with thousands of other apps in a few clicks.

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HubSpot CRM Modules (65)

Get a head start with our HubSpot CRM integration templates or create your own

Watch Companies

Triggers when a new company is created.

Watch Contacts

Triggers when a new contact is created.

Watch CRM Objects

Triggers when a CRM object is created/updated. To watch products or line_items use a special connection with a required custom scope [e-commerce].

Watch Deals

Triggers when a new deal is created.

Watch Engagements

Triggers when a new engagement is created in a portal. This endpoint will only return records created in the last 30 days, or the 10k most recently created records.

Watch Files

Triggers when a new file is stored in file manager.

Watch Submissions for a Form

Triggers when data is submitted from a given form.

Watch Contacts Added to a List

Triggers when a new contact is added to a list (only for users with the paid Marketing account).

Watch Subscriptions Timeline for a Portal

Triggers when a new email timeline subscription added for the portal.

Watch Tickets

Triggers when a new ticket is created.

Watch Notifications

Triggers when a new notification about changes is sent. This module can be used only with a developer connection where your user identifier, your Hubspot API Key, your Client ID, and Client Secret are filled in advanced parameters. You can have only one webhook URL per developer application. You can create more subscriptions for this one webhook.

Upload a File

Uploads a new file to the file manager.

Update a Ticket

Updates an existing ticket by its ID.

Update a Deal

Updates a specific deal by its ID. Returns updated properties in the response.

Update a Custom Object Record

Updates custom object's properties by its ID. Returns updated properties in the response.

Update a Contact

Updates contact's properties by their ID. Returns updated properties in the response.

Update a Company

Updates company's properties by its ID. Returns updated properties in the response.

Unsubscribe a Contact

Unsubscribes a contact from the given subscription emails. Note that you cannot subscribe the contact to the same email address again.

Subscribe Contact

Subscribes a contact to the given subscription emails.

Submit Data to a Form

Sends form submission data to HubSpot.

Remove a Contact from a Workflow

Removes a contact from a workflow.

Remove a Contact from a List

Removes a contact from a contact list.

Update File Properties

Moves a file to a different folder.

Merge Contacts

Merges contacts

Get an Owner

Returns details for an owner.

Get a File Uploaded via Form

For a given file ID, return the file associated with that ID.

Get a Ticket

Gets a specific ticket by its ID.

Get a Record Property

Gets metadata for a specific record property by its (internal) name.

Get a Deal

Returns information about a specific deal.

Get a Custom Object Record

Returns information about a specific custom object.

Get a Contact

Returns information about a specific contact.

Get a Company

Returns information about a specific company.

Delete a Ticket

Deletes an existing ticket.

Delete a Folder

Marks a folder as deleted.

Delete an Engagement

Deletes an engagement (a task or activity) on an object in HubSpot.

Delete a Deal

Moves a deal to the recycling bin.

Delete a Custom Object Record

Moves a custom object to the recycling bin.

Delete a Contact

Moves a contact to the recycling bin.

Delete a Company

Moves a company to the recycling bin.

Delete an Association

Deletes an association between two CRM objects.

Create a Ticket

Creates a ticket.

Create a Timeline Event

Creates or updates a timeline event. This module can be used only with a developer connection where your user identifier, your Hubspot API Key, your Client ID and Client Secret are filled in advanced parameters.

Create a Folder

Creates a folder.

Create an Engagement

Creates an engagement (a note, task, or activity) on an object in HubSpot. Engagements are any interaction with a contact that should be logged inside of the CRM.

Create a Deal

Creates a deal with the given properties and returns a copy of the object, including the ID.

Create a Custom Object Record

Creates a custom object with the given properties and returns a copy of the object, including the ID.

Create a Contact

Creates a contact with the given properties and returns a copy of the object, including the ID.

Create a Company

Creates a company with the given properties and returns a copy of the object, including the ID.

Create an Association

Associates two CRM objects.

Delete a File

Permanently deletes a file and all related data and thumbnails from file manager.

Add a Contact to a Workflow

Adds a contact to a specific workflow.

Add Contacts to a List

Adds contact records that have already been created in the system to a contact list.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call to manage data in Hubspot CRM.

List Contacts

Returns all contacts that have been created in the portal. The output is limited to 5000 contacts. To list previous/next contacts, you can use the advanced parameter to reset an offset ID for listing contacts after this ID.

List Deal/Ticket Pipelines

Returns all deal/ticket pipelines for a given portal.

List Associations

Returns the IDs of CRM objects associated with a given object, based on the specified association type.

List Files

Retrieves a list of files stored in file manager.

List Forms

Retrieves a list of forms for a given portal.

List Owners

Returns all of the owners that exist inside of HubSpot.

Search for Tickets

Retrieves a list of tickets.

List Timeline Event Templates

Retrieves a list of all timeline event types for a specific application. This module can be used only with a developer connection where your user identifier, your Hubspot API Key, your Client ID and Client Secret are filled in advanced parameters.

Search for Companies

Lists companies based on the provided filters or a search query.

Search for Contacts

Retrieves a list of contacts using the search query.

Search for CRM Objects

Searches for CRM objects (contacts, companies, deals, products, tickets, line items) by custom properties or by the query. To search for products or line items use a special connection with a required custom scope, e-commerce.

Search for Deals

Lists deals based on the provided filters or a search query.

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