Manage your leads, organize your sales app.⭐-
Data Management meets AI: Three AI-powered Features that changes how we think about Data & AI
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Scale your sales to the roof using automation.

Keep track of your leads and business cases in one place. Connect lead gen tools, consolidate all customer based data, update your leads and sync them to your CRM tool. Ready to speed up your sales pipeline and increase ROI?

14 days trial
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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Key Benefits for Sales Teams

Lead Management

Lead Management

Connect all lead sources to our Contact module to keep them organized and under one roof.

Set up sofisticated customer journeys

Set up sofisticated customer journeys

Improve customer acquisition, retention and revenue with automation around your leads.

Increase sales results

Increase sales results

By consolidating data across multiple tools you can close deals faster by simply knowing more about your target audience and individual prospects.

Connect favourite Sales apps and CRMs

Connect favourite Sales apps and CRMs

With over 1410 apps ready to be connected you can synchronize all your sales data whenever you need.

Eliminate security risks

Eliminate security risks

Manage your data within secured cloud server with dedicated SSL and multilayered antivirus gate.

Greater insights

Greater insights

By combining data from different sources and systems, you can uncover insights and trends that might not be apparent otherwise.

Want some help discovering and increasing your financial results?

Get in touch with our Sales Team and let us guide you through step-by-step.

Data synchronization made easy.

Simply choose what you want to synchronize. No coding, infinite possibilities.






Custom data

Collect and synchronize contacts in a few clicks.

Collect contacts across all platforms and and sync them up to whatever CRM or platform you need.

Use addons to enrich your centralized data

Choose from 20+ addons to expand from synchronization to centralized processes.


Instill more clarity in the process of the contract realization and bring them to a successful finish.

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Create contact or ordering forms on your web and e-mail and collect all the received answers in a connected database.

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Communicate and cooperate in teams and stay effective and have an overview even when working from the home office.

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Create and share calendars with an entire company, team or selected individuals.

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Work reports

Easily determine how much time employees spend on various tasks and projects and evaluate what profit they bring you.

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News monitor

Collect data from thousands of verified digital sources in a fast, automated way.

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Create a space where you and your coworkers can write your opinions, thoughts, or ideas.

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