Pipedrive Resellers and Boost.space optimize sales management workflows.
Pipedrive Resellers integration simplifies CRM workflows by automating lead tracking, sales pipelines, and reseller analytics within Boost.space. Enhance collaboration with partners and optimize sales strategies seamlessly.

Get a head start with our Pipedrive Resellers Portal integration templates or create your own

Add a User to a Subscription
Adds a user to a subscription.

Create a Subscription
Creates a new company/subscription and it's first user.

Delete a Subscription
Deletes a suspended subscription.

Get a Subscription
Retrieves a subscription.

Get Available Plans and Packages
Retrieves information on available plans and packages.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Remove a User from a Subscription
Removes a user from a subscription.

Restore a Subscription
Restores a suspended subscription.

Suspend a Subscription
Suspends a subscription.

Update a Subscription
Updates a subscription.

Update a Subscription User
Updates the user details of a subscription user.

List Subscriptions
Retrieves information on existing subscriptions