Manage cloud printing with Ezeep Cloud Print and Boost.space integration.
Simplify printing operations with Ezeep Cloud Print, enabling remote management and integration with various platforms.

Get a head start with our Ezeep Cloud Print integration templates or create your own

Create an Empty Document for the Payload
Creates empty document. The payload can be added with the ID using the update content module.

Print File
Fast prints a file to a printer. Prints almost any file. Scales automatically on most printers. Combines several modules for easier implementation.

Make an API call
Makes an API call.

Print Document
Prints the document on a printer. This step needs a document ID.

Print File (test)
Print a File

Get Document Printing Status
Checks the status off a printjob.

Update Printer
Assigns a document to a printer and setup the printer with print settings.

Update a Document with Content
Adds the data (payload) to the document.

Get a List of Printers for the Authenticated Client User
Gets the list of available printers for the authenticated user. Maximum is hard set to: 100.