Simplify appointment scheduling with Cituro and Boost.space integration.
Cituro is an appointment scheduling platform that simplifies bookings for businesses. By integrating Cituro with Boost.space, businesses can centralize scheduling workflows, automate reminders, and enhance client communication. This integration ensures a professional booking experience, reducing manual work and improving customer satisfaction.

Get a head start with our cituro integration templates or create your own

Watch New Booking
Watches for new booking from cituro.

Watch New Customer
Watches for new customer from cituro.

Watch Updated Customer
Watches for updated customer from cituro.

Update a Customer
Updates a Customer.

Get Customer By ID
Gets the corresponding customer for the specified id.

Delete a Customer
Deletes a Customer.

Create a Customer
Creates a new customer in cituro.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Find Customer By Email
Reports the customers list filtered by a specified mail address.

Find Customer By Last name
Reports the customers list filtered by a specified last name.

Search Customer
Searches for customers. Without search criteria, the unfiltered customer list is the result. Limited to 10 entries (sorted in descending order by creation date).