Simplify marketplace management with Etsy and Boost.space integration.
Expand e-commerce with Etsy integration, synchronizing inventory and orders for a seamless online selling experience.

Get a head start with our Etsy integration templates or create your own

Watch Shop Receipts
Triggers when a shop receipt is created.

Watch Transactions
Triggers when a transaction is made.

Upload a Listing Image
Uploads a new image for a listing.

Update a Receipt
Updates a shop receipt.

Update a Listing
Updates a listing.

Update a Listing Inventory
Updates a listing's inventory.

Submit Tracking Info
Submits tracking information for a shop receipt and sends a shipping notification.

Get a Receipt
Retrieves the details of a shop receipt.

Get a Product
Retrieves the details of a product.

Get an Offering
Retrieves an offering for a listing.

Get My Shop
Retrieves the shop details of the authenticated user.

Get a Listing
Retrieves the details of a listing.

Get a Ledger Entry
Retrieves a shop payment account ledger's entry.

Get an Inventory
Retrieves the inventory record for a listing.

Get a Transaction
Retrieves the details of a transaction.

Delete a User Address
Removes a user address.

Delete a Listing
Removes a listing.

Create a Listing
Creates a draft listing product.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

List Account Ledger Entries
Retrieves a list of account ledger entries filtered by criteria.

List Etsy Active Listings
Retrieves a list of active listings on Etsy filtered by criteria.

List Shop Listings
Retrieves a list of shop listings filtered by criteria.

List Payments
Retrieves a list of payments by their IDs.

List Shop Receipts
Retrieves a list of shop receipts.

List Transactions
Retrieves a list of transactions. Optionally filtered by a listing or a receipt.

List User Addresses
Retrieves a list of user addresses.