User.com and Boost.space optimize customer engagement workflows.
User.com offers CRM and marketing automation tools for customer communication. Boost.Space integration automates workflows, tracks user behavior, and enhances outreach strategies.

Get a head start with our User.com integration templates or create your own

Update a User by Custom ID
Updates a specific user by custom user id.

Update a User
Updates an existing User.

Update a Ticket
Updates an existing ticket.

Update or Create a User
Updates a user if exists, creates a user otherwise.

Update or Create a Deal
Updates a deal if exists, creates a deal otherwise.

Update or Create a Company
Updates a company if exists, creates a company otherwise.

Update a Deal by Custom ID
Updates a deal by custom deal id.

Update a Deal
Updates an existing deal.

Update a Company by Custom ID
Updates a specific company by custom company id.

Update a Company
Updates an existing company.

Send Product Event by Custom ID
Sends a product event by custom product id.

Send an Event by Custom ID
Sends an event by custom user id.

Send an Event
Sends an event.

Get a Single Ticket
Returns a ticket.

Get a Single User by Custom ID
Returns a specific user details by custom user id.

Get a Single User
Returns a specific user details.

Get a Single Email Campaign
Returns information about a specific email campaign.

Get a Single Deal
Returns a specific deal details.

Get a Single Company
Returns a specific company details.

Get a Deal by Custom ID
Returns a specific deal by custom deal id.

Get a Company by Custom ID
Returns a specific company by custom company id.

Find User by User Key
Finds user based on the user_key attribute.

Create a User
Creates a new User.

Create a Ticket
Creates a Ticket.

Send a Product Event
Sends a product event.

Create a Deal
Creates a new deal.

Create a Company
Creates a new company.

Add a User to the List by Custom ID
Adds a specific user to a list by custom user id.

Add a User to the List
Adds a specific user to the list.

Add a Product Tag by Custom ID
Adds a tag to a specific product by custom product id.

Add a Product Tag
Adds a tag to a specific product.

Add a Company Tag by Custom ID
Adds a tag to a specific company by custom company id.

Add a Company Tag
Adds a tag to a specific company.

Add a Company Member
Adds an existing user to a specific company.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Find Most Recent Message
Returns most recent message.

Find Users by Email
Finds users based on an email attribute.

List All Companies
Returns all companies.

List All Deals
Returns all deals.

List All Email Campaigns
Returns information about all email campaigns.

List All Tags
Returns all tags.

List All Tickets
Returns information about all tickets.

List All Users
Returns all users.

List Companies by Tag
Returns all companies including a specific tag.

List Deals by Tag
Returns all deals including a specific tag.

List Deals by User
Returns deals assigned to a specific user.

List Products by Tag
Returns all products including a specific tag.

Get a Single Event
Returns a list of specific event occurences.

Get a Single Product Segment
Returns all products assigned to a specific product segment.

Get a Single User Segment
Returns all users assigned to a specific segment.

List Users by Tag
Returns all users including a specific tag.