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Centralize data and automate business processes with Reservanto integrations

Streamline your business processes by centralizing your Reservanto data. connects to your IT tools and helps aggregate their data into central databases. Data centralization serves as the foundation for easy collaboration across teams, process automation across tools, and data analysis with a complete story.

Integrate Reservanto with thousands of other apps in a few clicks.

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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Reservanto Modules (52)

Get a head start with our Reservanto integration templates or create your own

Booking Add Payment Via Pass

Pays an existing reservation with a passed subscription.

Add a Payment Via Credit

Pays an existing reservation with the given credit amount.

Add a Payment Via Service Substitution

Pays an existing reservation with customer's replacements.

Cancel a Booking

Cancels an already created reservation.

Confirm a Booking

Confirms a reservation that is in the state of waiting for confirmation.

Reject a Booking

Rejects a reservation that is waiting for confirmation.

Get a BookingResource

Loads a specific source by its internal id.

Get a BookingResource Availability

Retrieves the availability of given resources for a given period.

Get a BookingService

Loads a specific service, according to its internal id from the currently logged in merchant.

Set a No Show State

Sets a reservation flag indicating whether the customer has arrived or not.

Create a Booking

Creates a new reservation for a listed term with a specified customer.

Get a Class

Retrieves a term by its internal identifier.

Get a Course

Returns a course by its identifier.

Create a Customer

Creates a new customer for the currently logged in merchant.

Customer Details

Načte detaily jednotlivého zákazníka podle jeho interního Id.

Edit a Customer

Updates an existing customer for the currently logged in merchant.

Get a Customer

Retrieves a customer by their internal Id.

Create or Update a Customer Note

Adds (updates) a note for a given customer.

Update a Customer Pass Usage

Returns a certain number of uses to a customer from a pass.

Try Use a Customer Pass

Exhausts a customer's input from the card.

Create a New EMS Booking

Creates a new reservation for the requested term with the specified customer.

Update an EMS Booking

Updates a customer's reservation.

Get an Event

Retrieves a specific event by its identifiers.

Get a Location

Retrieves a list of all establishments from the currently logged in merchant.

Make an API Call

Solution for modules that were not added.

Get a Merchant Info

Returns basic information about a merchant.

One To One Create a Booking

Creates a new reservation for a given resource with a passed service and customer for a given term.

One To One Create a Free Time

Creates a new free space for a specific resource for a given term.

One to One Get a Start Available

Changes the date of a given reservation.

Add a Pass to a Customer

Adds a season pass to the customer.

Try Use a Customer Credit

Deducts credit from a customer's credit account.

Valid a Voucher

Checks the existence of a voucher.

Pay with Voucher for Booking

Attempts to pay for a reservation using a voucher.

Refund a Voucher Booking Payment

Cancels a reservation payment. Restores voucher code validity

Get a Booking For Period

Loads all reservations in a given time range.

Get a BookingResource List

Retrieves a list of all sources from the currently logged in merchant.

Get a Booking Resources

Retrieves a list of all visible services provided by a specific source.

Get a BookingService List

Retrieves a list of all services from the currently logged in merchant.

Get a Class Appointment

Retrieves terms for a selected segment and operation (with the option to limit to a calendar).

Get Customer Events

Loads a customer's reservation for a given course.

Get a Customer List

Loads a customer list, possibly filtered by the smallest registration date.

Search a Customer

Loads a customer list limited to 15 records, searched by given criteria.

Event Get a List

Loads a list of events in a given date range.

Event Get a List By Customer

Loads events of a specific customer.

Get a Booking For a Customer

Retrieves all reservations for a specific customer within a given time range.

Get a Segment List

Loads a list of events in a given date range.

Get a Location List

Retrieves a list of all establishments from the currently logged in merchant.

One To One Get a List of Available Start

Retrieves a list of all currently available starts for reservation with the selected service for the given source in the given time period.

Get a Pass List

Loads a list of all permanent items defined in the system

Get a Service Substitution For a Customer

Returns replacements for a certain customer.

Get a Voucher List

Retrieves a list of all vouchers defined in the system. If the merchant does not use vouchers, it always returns an empty collection.

Get a Working Hours For Period

Loads specific working hours within a given period, also respects settings such as opening hours during holidays.

14 days trial
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