Enhance SMS campaigns using Burst SMS and Boost.space integration.
Burst SMS is a messaging platform that enables businesses to send bulk SMS campaigns and personalized messages. By integrating Burst SMS with Boost.space, businesses can centralize messaging workflows, automate responses, and track performance metrics. This integration ensures effective communication and improved customer engagement.

Get a head start with our Burst SMS integration templates or create your own

Watch SMS Receive to Inbox
Watches for SMS to be received in the inbox.

Watch New Contact Added To List
Watches for new a contact being added to a list.

Watch Delivery Receipt
Watches for the delivery receipt to arrive after sending SMS.

Watch Link Hits
Watches for link hits from shorted URL links in SMS being clicked.

Watch SMS Received to Virtual Number
Watches for SMS replies to a specific virtual number.

Watch SMS Reply
Watches for replies to SMS.

Add Contact to List
Adds or updates a contact on a list found in CONTACTS.

Format Number
Formats and validates a given number.

Remove Contact
Removes a contact from one list or all lists.

Send SMS
Sends one SMS text message.

Send SMS to List
Sends an SMS text message to everyone on a specific contact list.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Update Contact
Updates a contact.