Coassemble and streamline e-learning course management.
Coassemble is a learning management system that simplifies creating and delivering online training programs. By connecting Coassemble with, businesses can centralize course content, automate enrollment workflows, and track learner progress. This integration ensures efficient training delivery and enhanced learner engagement.
Get a head start with our Coassemble integration templates or create your own
Watch Courses
Watches for new courses.
Watch Groups
Watches for new groups.
Watch Members
Watches for new members.
Watch Completed Courses
Triggers when a student completes a course.
Watch Enrollments
Triggers when a new student enrolled.
Add Students to a Group
Adds students to a specific group.
Create a Course
Creates a new course.
Enroll a Batch of Students
Enrollls a batch of students into groups.
Enroll a Group
Enrolls a group into a batch of courses.
Create an Enrollment
Creates a new enrollment.
Create a Group
Creates a new group.
Create a Member
Creates a user as a member of your campus or adds an existing user to it.
Delete a Group
Deletes a group.
Get a Course
Retrieves a specific course.
Get a Group
Retrieves a specific group.
Get a Member
Retrieves a specific member.
Get a Student
Retrieves a specific student.
Remove a Member
Removes a member from your workspace.
Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.
Search Courses
Searches for the courses or retrieves them all.
Search Enrollments
Searches for enrollments or list them all.
Search Groups
Searches for groups or list them all.
List Students in a Group
Retrieves a list of students in a specfic group.
Search Members
Searches for members in your campus or list them all.
Search Students
Searches for students or list them all.