CallRail Call Analytics Integration |
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Boost call tracking efficiency with CallRail and

CallRail is a call tracking platform that provides insights into marketing campaigns and customer interactions. By connecting CallRail with, businesses can centralize call data, automate reporting workflows, and gain actionable insights. This integration ensures better tracking of customer touchpoints and campaign effectiveness.

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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Connection status - Active with remarks This application needs additional settings. Please follow our documentation to create your connection.
Centralize data in with CallRail integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, CallRail integration, CallRail integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
CallRail Modules (9)

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Watch Companies

Triggers when a new company is created.

Watch Trackers

Triggers when a new tracker is created.

Watch Users

Triggers when a new user is created.

Watch Modified Call

Triggers when a call has changed after it’s ended.

Watch Pre-Call

Triggers when an inbound phone call is received by CallRail.

Watch SMS Received

Triggers when an SMS message is received.

Watch SMS Sent

Triggers when an SMS message is sent.

Watch Calls

Triggers when an inbound phone call is received or a call has changed after it's ended.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Centralise CallRail data now
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