Wave and Boost.space optimize accounting and invoicing workflows.
Wave simplifies accounting and invoicing for small businesses. Integrated with Boost.Space, it automates workflows, tracks finances, and improves business management for streamlined operations.
Get a head start with our Wave integration templates or create your own
Watch Invoices
Returns invoices since the last check.
Approve an Invoice
Approve an invoice by ID.
Create an Account
Creates a new account.
Create a Customer
Creates a new customer
Create an Income / Expense
Create an Income/Expense
Create an Invoice
Creates an invoice.
Create a Product/Service
Creates a new product or service.
Create a Transaction
Creates a transaction.
Delete a Customer
Deletes a customer
Execute a GraphQL Query
Performs an arbitrary authorized GraphQL query.
Get a Customer by Email
Returns a customer by email.
Create a Sales Tax
Creates a new sales tax
Send an Invoice
Sends invoice.
Update a Customer
Updates existing customer
Update a Product/Service
Updates a product or service.
Get a Customer
Returns details about particular customer by ID
List Customers
Lists customers from Wave account
List Invoices
Lists invoices.
List Products
Lists products.