SwiftKanban and Boost.space enhance visual project management workflows.
SwiftKanban combines Kanban project management with advanced analytics for team collaboration. Boost.Space integration automates workflows, tracks project progress, and centralizes data for more efficient planning and execution.
Get a head start with our SwiftKanban integration templates or create your own
Archive a Card
Archives a card specified by type and ID.
Create a Card
Creates a card at the specified board.
Delete a Card
Deletes a card specified by card type and ID.
Get a Board
Retrieves a board specified by ID.
Get a Card
Retrieves a card specified by ID.
Make an API Call
Performs an arbitary authorized API call.
Rename a Card
Renames a card of specific type selected by ID.
List Boards
Lists boards accessible for a user.
Search Cards
Searches for cards or lists them all.