SoundCloud and enhance audio content sharing workflows.
SoundCloud provides tools for sharing and managing audio content. Integrated with Boost.Space, it automates workflows and enhances content distribution.
Get a head start with our SoundCloud integration templates or create your own
Watch Comments
Triggers when a new comment is added.
Watch New Tracks from Followed Users
Triggers when a followed user uploads a new track.
Watch Playlist Reposts
Triggers when you repost a playlist.
Watch Track Reposts
Triggers when you repost a track.
Watch New Tracks
Triggers when you add a new track.
Create a Comment
Returns a newly successfully posted comment.
Delete a Playlist Repost
Removes a repost on a playlist as the authenticated user.
Unlike a Track
Unlikes a track.
Delete a Track Repost
Removes a repost on a track as the authenticated user.
Delete a Track
Deletes the selected track.
Follow a User
Follows a user.
Get a Track
Returns a track.
Get a User
Returns a user.
Like a Playlist
Likes a playlist.
Like a Track
Likes a track.
Get Streamable URLs
Returns a track's streamable URLs.
Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.
Repost a Playlist
Reposts a playlist.
Repost a Track
Reposts a track as the authenticated user.
Resolve a URL
Resolves URLs to Resource URLs to use with the API.
Unfollow a User
Deletes a user who is followed by the authenticated user.
Unlike a Playlist
Unlikes a playlist.
Update a Track
Updates a track's information.
Upload a New Track
Uploads a new track.
List User's Followers
Returns a list of followers.
List Followers
Returns a list of users who are following the authenticated user.
List Playlists
Returns authenticated user’s playlists (sets).
List User's Playlists
Returns a list of user's playlists.
List Related Tracks
Returns related tracks of track on Soundcloud.
List Tracks
Returns a list of authenticated user's tracks.
List Track's Comments
Returns the comments posted on the track.
List Track's Favoriters
Returns a list of users who have favorited or liked the track.
List Track's Reposters
Returns a collection of track's reposters.
List User's Followings
Returns a list of user’s followings.
List User's Liked Playlists
Returns a list of user's liked playlists.
List User's Liked Tracks
Returns a list of user's liked tracks.
List User's Tracks
Returns a list of user's tracks.
List User's Web Profiles
Returns list of user's links added to their profile (website, facebook, instagram).
Search Playlists
Performs a playlist search based on a query.
Search Tracks
Performs a track search based on a query.
Search Users
Performs a user search based on a query.