Rocket.Chat and Boost.space enhance team chat communication workflows.
Rocket.Chat integration centralizes team communication workflows by automating message tracking, notifications, and collaboration in Boost.space. Enhance productivity and streamline conversations effortlessly.

Get a head start with our Rocket.Chat integration templates or create your own

Create a Channel
Creates a new channel.

Create a Private Group
Creates a new private group.

Delete a Channel
Deletes a channel.

Delete a Private Group
Deletes a private group.

Get a Channel
Gets a channel.

Get a Private Group
Gets a private group.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Send a Message
Post a new message to channel, direct or private group.

Rename a Channel
Renames a channel.

Rename a Private Group
Renames a private group.

List Channels
Gets a list of channels.

List Private Groups
Gets a list of private groups.