Metabase and Boost.space enhance business analytics and visualization workflows.
Metabase integration enhances business intelligence by centralizing data visualization, dashboard creation, and analytics workflows in Boost.space. Automate insights generation and make informed decisions with real-time data.

Get a head start with our Metabase integration templates or create your own

Update a User
Updates a user.

Update a Table
Updates a table.

Update a Metric
Updates a metric.

Update a Dashboard
Updates a dashboard.

Update a Collection
Updates a collection.

Get a User
Gets a user.

Get a Table
Gets a table.

Get a Dashboard Subscription
Gets a dashboard subscription.

Get an Alert
Gets an alert.

Get a Metric
Gets a metric.

Get a Database
Gets a database.

Get a Dashboard
Gets a dashboard.

Get a Collection
Gets a collection.

Get a Card
Gets a card.

Generate Link for Card
Generates a publicly accessible link for the card.

Execute a Query
Executes a query.

Disable a User
Disables a user.

Unsubscribe from a Dashboard Subscription
Unsubscribes user from a dashboard subscription.

Unsubscribe from an Alert
Unsubscribes from an alert.

Delete a Database
Deletes a database.

Delete a Dashboard
Deletes a dashboard.

Delete a Card
Deletes a card.

Create a User
Creates a new user.

Create a Metric
Creates a new metric.

Create a Dashboard
Creates a new dashboard.

Create a Collection
Creates a new collection.

Add a User to a Permissions Group
Adds a user to a permissions group.

Add a Card to a Dashboard
Adds a card to a dashboard.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

List Alerts for a Card
Gets all alerts for the given card.

Search Alerts
Searches alerts by given criteria.

List Metrics
Lists all metrics.

List Tables
Lists all tables.

Search Cards
Searches cards by given criteria.

Search Collections
Searches collections by given criteria.

Search Collection’s Items
Searches a specific collection’s items.

Search Dashboards
Searches dashboards by given criteria.

Search Databases
Searches databases by given criteria.

Search Dashboard Subscriptions
Searches dashboard subscriptions by given criteria.

Search Users
Searches users by given criteria.