Marketo by Overstack Data Synchronization Tools |
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Marketo by Overstack and streamline campaign workflows.

Marketo by Overstack integration enhances your marketing efforts by automating advanced workflows and centralizing performance insights in Scale campaigns and refine targeting to achieve better results with minimal effort.

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Marketo Modules (14)

Get a head start with our Marketo integration templates or create your own

Add Leads to List

Adds a given set of person records to a target static list. There is a limit of 300 lead ids per request. Required Permissions: Read-Write Lead

Approve Landing Page Template

Approves the current landing page template draft. This will delete the current approved version of the template if there is one. Required Permissions: Approve Assets

Associate Cookie to Lead

Associates a known Marketo lead record to a munchkin cookie and its associated web activity history. Required Permissions: Read-Write Lead

Trigger Campaign

Passes a set of leads to a trigger campaign to run through the campaign's flow. The designated campaign must have a Campaign is Requested: Web Service API trigger, and must be active. My tokens local to the campaign's parent program can be overridden for the run to customize content. A maximum of 100 leads are allowed per call. Required Permissions: Execute Campaign

Create and Update Leads

Syncs a list of leads to the target instance. Required Permissions: Read-Write Lead

Schedule Campaign

Remotely schedules a batch campaign to run at a given time. My tokens local to the campaign's parent program can be overridden for the run to customize content. When using the "cloneToProgramName" parameter described below, this endpoint is limited to 20 calls per day. Required Permissions: Execute Campaign

Describe Lead Object

Returns metadata about lead objects in the target instance, including a list of all fields available for interaction via the APIs.

Search Campaigns

Returns a list of campaign records. Required Permissions: Read-Only Campaigns, Read-Write Campaigns

Search Files

Returns the files from the given folder. Required Permissions: Read-Only Assets, Read-Write Assets

Search Leads by Filter

Returns a list of up to 300 leads based on a list of values in a particular field. Required Permissions: Read-Only Lead, Read-Write Lead

Search Leads by Program

Retrieves a list of leads which are members of the designated program. Required Permissions: Read-Only Lead, Read-Write Lead

Search Leads by Static List

Retrieves person records which are members of the given static list. Required Permissions: Read-Only Lead, Read-Write Lead

Get Static Lists

Returns a set of static list records based on given filter parameters. Required Permissions: Read-Only Lead, Read-Write Lead

Is Member of Static List

Checks if leads are members of a given static list. Required Permissions: Read-Write Lead

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