MakePlans and optimize appointment scheduling workflows.
MakePlans integration simplifies scheduling and appointment management by automating workflows and centralizing bookings within Optimize customer experiences and ensure operational efficiency effortlessly.
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Watch Verified Bookings
Watches for verified bookings.
Watch Created People
Watches for created people.
Watch Created Bookings
Watches for created bookings.
Watch Canceled Bookings
Watches for canceled bookings.
Watch Deleted Bookings
Watches for deleted bookings.
Watch Confirmed Bookings
Watches for confirmed bookings.
Watch Declined Bookings
Watches for declined bookings.
Watch Modified Bookings
Watches for modified bookings.
Get a Booking
Returns a specified booking.
Delete a Booking
Deletes a specified booking. Deleting a booking will set its state to deleted and active to false.
Update a Booking
Updates a specified booking.
Decline a Booking
Declines a specified booking.
Create a Booking
Creates a new booking.
Get a Person
Returns information about a specified person.
Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.
Create a Person
Creates a new person.
Delete a Person
Deletes a specified person.
Update a Person
Updates a specified person.
Cancel a Booking
Cancels a specified booking.
Verify a Booking
Verifies a specified booking.
List People
Returns a list of people or searches people by specified queries.
List Bookings
Returns a list of bookings or searches them by specified queries.