Giphy GIF Creation and Sharing Integration |

Integrate GIPHY with 2,233 other apps

GIPHY and streamline GIF sharing workflows.

Improve visual storytelling with Giphy, offering a wide selection of GIFs to enhance content creation, marketing campaigns, and user engagement across multiple platforms.

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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Connection status - Active with remarks This application needs additional settings. Please follow our documentation to create your connection.
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GIPHY Modules (7)

Get a head start with our GIPHY integration templates or create your own

Upload a Gif

Uploads a Gif or video files upto 100MB programmatically on

Translate a Word To a Gif/Sticker

Translates or Converts a word or phrase to the perfect Gif or Sticker using GIPHY's special sauce algorithm.

Get a Random Gif/Sticker

Returns a single random Gif or Sticker related to the tag. If no tag is specified, the Gif or Sticker returned is completely random.

Get a Gif

Gets the details of a Gif by ID.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

List Trending Gifs/Stickers

Retrieves a list of the most relevant and engaging content each and every day.

Search Gifs/Stickers

Searches all GIPHY gifs or stickers for a word or phrase.

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