Emelia and Boost.space streamline cold email outreach campaigns.
Improve cold outreach with Emelia, an AI-powered tool for creating, sending, and tracking personalized email campaigns.
Get a head start with our Emelia integration templates or create your own
Watch Campaign Activities
Triggers when a new campaign activity is detected.
Watch Campaign Ending
Triggers when the campaign is marked as FINISHED.
Watch LinkedIn Campaign Activities
Triggers when a new campaign activity is detected on LinkedIn campaign.
Set a Custom Field to a Contact
Sets a custom field to an existant contact in a campaign.
Remove Contact from Blacklist
Removes a contact from the blacklist. If the contact is in a campaign, sequences will be send to this contact.
Delete Contact from LinkedIn Campaign
Deletes a contact from a campaign. This contact will not be contacted again in this campaign.
Delete Contact from Campaign
Deletes a contact from a campaign. This contact will not be contacted again in this campaign.
Create a Campaign
Creates a new campaign with the given name and returns its id.
Add Contact to a List
Adds a contact into an existing contact list.
Add Contact to a Campaign
Adds a contact to an existing campaign. If campaign is running, the contact will be added to the sequence automatically.
Add Contact to Blacklist
Adds a contact into blacklist. This contact will never be contacted again.
Add Contact to a LinkedIn Campaign
Adds a contact to an existing LinkedIn campaign. If campaign is running, the contact will be added to the sequence automatically.
List Campaign Contacts by Filter
Lists contacts in a campaign by filter. By example get all contacts marked as "REPLIED", or all contacts marked as "UNSUBSCRIBED".
List Campaigns
Lists campaigns with their status and linked email providers.