DaPulse Team Collaboration Platform | Boost.space
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DaPulse integration, now rebranded as Monday.com, centralizes project management workflows by automating task assignments, progress tracking, and team collaboration in Boost.space. Streamline your operations and enhance productivity effortlessly.

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monday.com Modules (52)

Get a head start with our monday.com integration templates or create your own

Watch Pulses in the GROUP or in the Board

Triggers when a pulse has been updated / created in the group (or in the board). If this module is used to obtain values of columns in more boards, reference the columns data. The mappable interface of column values and column ids can be used only for chosen boards. The maximum of pulses that can be loaded in one call is 2000. If this module is used to filter pulses from a group, the related board should have the maximum of 2000 pulses to ensure the correct result.

Watch Subscribers in the Board

Triggers when a new subscriber is added to a board.

Watch a Column Value for a Pulse

Triggers when a column value has changed (limited to changes of first 4000 chars).

Watch Pulses in the BOARD

Triggers when a pulse has been updated / created in the board. If this module is used to obtain values of columns in more boards, reference the columns data. The mappable interface of column values and column ids can be used only for chosen boards. The maximum of pulses that can be loaded in one call is 2000.

Watch Notes Attached to the Pulse

Triggers when a new note is attached to a pulse.

Watch New Account's Pulses

Triggers when a new pulse is created in your account.

Watch Subscribers in the Pulse

Triggers when a new subscriber is added to a pulse.

Watch the Pulse's Updates

Trigger when a pulse has been updated.

Watch Account's Updates

Triggers when a new update is posted in your account.

Watch a Specific User's Posts

Triggers when a new update is posted by a specific user.

Watch Users

Triggers when a new user is created.

Add a New Column to the Board

Adds a new column to the board.

Add a Subscriber to the Board.

Adds a subscriber to a selected board.

Add a Subscriber to the Pulse

Adds a subscriber to a selected pulse.

Archive a Board

Deletes a board by its archiving.

Create a Board

Creates a new board

Create a New Group in the Board

Creates a new group in a selected board.

Create a New Pulse in the Board

Creates a new pulse in a selected board.

Create an Update

Creates a new update.

Create a Note

Creates a new note.

Delete a Group in the Board

Deletes a group in a selected board.

Delete a Note

Deletes a note.

Delete a Pulse

Deletes or archives a project

Delete an Update

Deletes an update.

Duplicate a pulse

Duplicates a pulse within one board.

Get a Board

Returns a specific board.

Get a Pulse

Returns a specific project.

Get a User

Returns a user.

Get a Column's Value for a Pulse

Gets a column's value for a given pulse.

Get a Tag

Returns a specific tag.

Move a Group to Another Board

Moves a group to another board.

Move Pulses to Another Group/Board

Moves pulses to another group or to another board.

Remove a Subscriber from the Board.

Removes a subscriber from a selected board.

Remove a Subscriber from the Pulse

Removes a subscriber from a selected pulse.

Translate a Status-Column-Index to a Label

Translates a value of status-column index into a label, or a value of status-column label into an index.

Update a Column's Value

Updates a column's value.

Update a Date-Column's Value

Updates a date column's value.

Update a Numbers-Column's Value

Updates a numbers column's value.

Update a Person-Column's Value

Updates a person column's value.

Update a Pulse

Updates pulse's attributes.

Update a Status-Column's Value

Updates a status column's value.

Update a Tags-Column's Value

Updates a tags column's value.

Update a Text-Column's Value

Updates a text column's value.

Update a Timeline-Column's Value

Updates a timeline column's value.

List Board's Groups

Returns the board's groups.

List Board's Pulses

Returns a list of pulses in the board. If this module is used to obtain values of columns in more boards, reference the columns data. The mappable interface of column values and column ids can be used only for chosen boards. The maximum of pulses that can be loaded in one call is 2000. The Start page in advanced parameters can be used to list previous/next pulses.

List Boards

Returns boards.

List Notes Attached to the Pulse

Returns notes attached to the selected pulse.

List Account's Pulses

Returns account's pulses.

List Pulse's Updates

Gets the pulses's updates.

List Account's Updates

Gets the account's updates.

List Users

Returns users.

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