Simplify email marketing using Brevo and Boost.space integration.
Brevo integration centralizes email marketing workflows by automating campaign management, segmentation, and analytics in Boost.space. Build meaningful customer relationships and optimize communication strategies.

Get a head start with our Brevo integration templates or create your own

Watch Contacts
Triggers when a new contact is created.

Watch Email Campaigns
Triggers when a new email campaign is created.

Watch Folders
Triggers when a new folder is created.

Watch Lists
Triggers when a new list is created.

New Event
Triggers when a new email event occurs.

Update a List
Updates a list.

Update a Folder
Updates a folder.

Update a Contact
Updates a contact.

Update an Email Campaign
Updates an email campaign.

Send an SMS
Sends a transactional SMS.

Send an Email
Sends a transactional email.

Send a Campaign Report
Sends a PDF campaign report to the specific email.

Get My Account
Return details about my account.

Get a List
Returns details about a list.

Get a Folder
Returns details about a folder.

Get an Email Campaign
Returns details about an email campaign.

Get a Contact
Return details about a contact.

Delete a List
Deletes a list.

Delete a Folder
Deletes a folder.

Delete an Email Campaign
Deletes an email campaign.

Delete a Contact
Deletes a contact.

Create a List
Creates a list.

Create a Folder
Creates a folder.

Create an Email Campaign
Creates a new campaign.

Create a Contact
Creates a contact.

Add Existing Contacts to a List
Adds existing contacts to a list.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

List Contacts
Lists all contacts.

List Contacts in a List
Lists all contacts in a list.

List Email Campaigns
List all email campaigns.

List Folders
Lists all folders.

List Lists
Lists all lists.

List Lists in a Folder
Lists lists in a folder.