Bland AI 2 Enhanced AI Capabilities with |
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Optimize AI-driven content workflows with Bland AI and integration.

Bland AI 2 is an AI-powered tool designed to assist businesses with generating creative and strategic content. By integrating Bland AI 2 with, businesses can centralize content creation workflows, automate updates, and ensure consistency across platforms. This integration simplifies content production and helps teams deliver impactful results.

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Bland AI Modules (12)

Get a head start with our Bland AI integration templates or create your own

Watch Incoming Phone Calls

Triggers when an incoming phone call has finished.

Watch Outbound Phone Calls

Triggers when an outbound phone call has finished.

Analyze a Call

Analyzes a call based on questions and goals.

Get Audio Recording

Retrieves the call's audio file, if it exists.

Get Batch Details

Returns details about a batch call.

Get Call Details

Retrieves detailed information and the transcript of a call.

Make an API Call

Makes an arbitrary authorized API Call.

Send a Batch of Calls

Sends multiple calls with one single operation.

Send a Call

Sends an AI phone call.

Stop Active Call

Stops an active call.

List Calls

Returns a list of calls.

List Voices

Returns a list of available voices.

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