BeLazy Workflow Automation Enhanced with |
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Integrate BeLazy with to streamline localization workflows.

BeLazy is an automation platform for managing translations and localization workflows. When integrated with, BeLazy centralizes project data, automates task assignments, and enhances collaboration between teams. This integration ensures efficient handling of localization projects, improving turnaround times and maintaining high-quality results.

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BeLazy Modules (39)

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Watch New Approved Project

Triggers when BeLazy notifies Boost.integrator of new incoming project that is approved automatically or manually. The module returns with an iteration through the available projects in BeLazy.

Accept An Opportunity

Accepts an opportunity, which creates a project in BeLazy and begins transferring it to your BMS. Please note, that acceptance is an instantaneous process, however, project creation and transferring it to the BMS is an asynchronous process. This operation is applicable when you want to control what opportunities to accept or dismiss.

Acknowledges Project

Acknowledges the successful processing of a project received from BeLazy. Projects not acknowledged will remain in the active project list.

Add File To Workspace

Adds a file to a workspace. The file must already be uploaded; with this operation the file is added to the the workspace and its properties are set. If a file is already added to the workspace the properties of the file are set.

Add/Update Deliverable

Adds a new deliverable file to a project or updates the properties of an existing deliverable file. Adding the deliverable registers the deliverable file (but does not start the delivery process). This operation is applicable when your system is acting as a BMS and wants to deliver projects into BeLazy.

Clear Vendor Of Project

Clears the vendor assigned to the project's pricing item in the BMS. As a result, BeLazy will try to remove this assignments in the origin system. This operation is applicable when using a REST Api BMS and project creation in the BMS has been acknowledged.

Create Opportunity From Workspace

Creates an opportunity from the specified files of a workspace. The workspace is the holder (staging area) of the content (files). When all content is present in a workspace, create an opportunity with this operation.

Create Workspace

Creates a new workspace.

Delete Deliverable

Removes a deliverable file from a project. This operation is applicable when your system is acting as a BMS and wants to deliver projects into BeLazy.

Delete File

Deletes a file. Generally an uploaded file should be referenced in a futher API call and should not be deleted. The removal is offered for convenience to discard uploads made by mistake. Uploaded but unused files are also deleted within 10 minutes.

Delete Workspace

Deletes the workspace, including all files in the workspace. This operation cannot be reversed.

Deliver Project Item

After deliverable files are uploaded to BeLazy a (partial) delivery process can be started using this operation. The delivery process will upload the deliverables belonging to the delivered part of the project to the vendor portal. After the delivery of this part of the project is started, no more modification of deliverables assigned to the delivered project part is possible. This operation is applicable when your system is acting as a BMS and wants to deliver projects into BeLazy.

Deliver Entire Project

Signals that the project was delivered in the BMS. This will start the final deliver / close process in the vendor portal (and prevent uploading / modifying of deliverables to BeLazy). This operation is applicable when your system is acting as a BMS and wants to deliver projects into BeLazy.

Dismiss An Opportunity

Dismisses an opportunity, which results in the opportunity being ignored and no longer offered for acceptance. This operation is applicable when you want to control what opportunities to accept or dismiss.

Download Deliverable

Download a particular deliverable file associated with a project. This operation is applicable when when your system is a proprietary vendor portal and want to fetch deliverables from the BMS.

Download File

Downloads the files from BeLazy which then can be stored with a following step to Dropbox, GDrive, FTP etc. This module is meant to be preceeded by a Query File List module that returns with the files available in the project.

Get Connection

Gets the details of a connection.

Get Deliverable

Gets metadata of a deliverable associated with a project. This operation is applicable when (1) your system is acting as a BMS and wants to deliver projects into BeLazy, and (2) when your system is a propriatary vendor portal and want to fetch deliverables from the BMS.

Get File In Workspace

Gets the properties of a particular file.

Get Opportunity

Get an opportunity with all its properties by it's identifier.

Get Project

Gets the details of an active project.

Get Workspace

Gets the properties of a workspace.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Remove File From Workspace

Removes a file from a workspace.

Set Vendor For Project

Sets a vendor assigned to the project's pricing item in the BMS. As a result, BeLazy will try to apply this assignments in the origin system — using the mapping information between the vendors in the BMS and the lingusits in the origin system. This operation is applicable when using a REST Api BMS and project creation in the BMS has been acknowledged.

Signal Project Delivery

Signals that a project was succesfully delivered and closed in the external vendor portal. This operation marks the project as succesfully delivered and closed. This operation is applicable when your system is a proprietary vendor portal.

Synchronize Connection

Invokes the synchronization of an automated connection.

Synchronize Project

Invokes the synchronization of a specified project via the vendor portal connection.

Update Workspace

Updates the properties of a workspace. All properties will be overwritten with the provided values.

Upload a file

Uploads a new file. The successful operation returns an identifier, which can be used to reference to this file in further Api calls. Uploaded and unused (unreferenced) files are kept for no longer than 10 minutes. The maximum accepted file size is 3GB.

List Files In Project

Lists the files in a project, generally it should come after a check if the project has files (origin.hasFiles = true). The module returns with an iteration through the available files that then can be downloaded using the Download File module.

List Deliverables Of Project

Fetches the list of deliverables of the project. Metadata regarding every deliverable of the project is returned. This operation is applicable when (1) your system is acting as a BMS and wants to deliver projects into BeLazy, and (2) when your system is a propriatary vendor portal and want to fetch deliverables from the BMS.

List Files In Workspace

Lists the files matching the specified search criteria associated with the specified workspace.

List Languages

Lists the languages known by BeLazy.

List Opportunities

Lists opportunities with filtering. The filter criteria are combined and an opportunity must match all.

List Projects

Lists projects with filtering. The filter criteria are combined and a project must match all.

List Specializations

Lists the specializations known by BeLazy.

List Workspaces

Lists the workspaces matching the specified search criteria.

List Connections

Lists the connections defined in BeLazy. This module returns with an iteration through the connections.

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