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Release v2.13.0

Release Notes

We bring you a new version of the system! We have focused, for example, on updating the menu editor in the settings, the ability to set the priority of tokens needed for integrations, or the improvement of the stock card listing, where you can now also find a preview image.

Release v2.13.0

New features and improvements

  • Settings – menu editor: now, when adding modules to the menu, you will also see the license under which the module falls (Basic / Standard / Pro / Enterprise) and whether the module is installed.
  • Settings – menu editor: on the main desktop, you will find a button to add a module or folder and a shortcut to the menu editor. This option is only visible to system administrators.
  • Integrations: if you select the “Integration” view inside the module and click on the cogwheel in the right window, you can change the priority of the assigned token by simply moving between the rows
  • Stock Cards module: in the stock card listing, you will now find a Default Image column, which will display the uploaded image for the stock card.
  • Custom fields: we have modernized the design of custom fields in the item detail across the system
  • Tasks module: when you open the module, the tabular display of the tasks is now set by default
  • minor adjustments throughout the system


Thank you for all your ideas. We look forward to hearing more from you at [email protected].

Published by Ivana Kačerovská

Product Manager Assistant