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Release v2.1.0

The news-packed system release v2.1.0 is here! You can look forward to new features in the Notes, Orders and Business Cases modules. We have also improved the filter panel and expanded the bulk actions. The biggest new feature is the ability to include Resources in your business processes. Let’s take a more specific look at this.

Release v2.1.0

Changes and improvements

  • Settings – Resources: now it is possible to assign a resource to tasks and work reports (in addition to the user). You can simply create it in the settings
  • Stock Requests module: the Required Number field can be changed directly in the listing of all requests
  • Bulk actions: we have expanded the number of modules in which you can use bulk actions. You can now also find them in the Purchases, Stocks, Forms and Work Hours module.
  • Orders and Business Cases module: in the Modules tab you will find a list of all attached tasks
  • Business Cases module: we have added a column with the e-mail of the assigned contact to the list of cases. You can easily add this information to the exported file
  • Notes module: in the top navigation you will find a field to search for individual notes
  • Orders module: you can now mark your own type of order, which you create yourself in the settings (you can mark its size or importance, for example)
  • filter panel: we have added the option to filter items not only by user, but also by assigned team or category
  • improvements of existing features across the system


Do you have any ideas for improving We’re here for you anytime at [email protected]

Published by Ivana Kačerovská

Product Manager Assistant