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Our CEO Tadeáš Marek spoke about the future of the cloud at IDC Conference 2021

We were given the opportunity to present our thoughts on the future of cloud services and data centralization. This time it was at IDC Conference 2021, where Tadeáš Marek, CEO of, spoke about how the centralization of corporate data will shape the future of business. Other speakers at the same conference included well-known economist Tomas Sedlacek and CEO of the organizing brokerage company unisonSteadfast, Wolfgang Mercier.

It’s always great when you get to be in the company of interesting people who are brimming with original ideas – and when you can also contribute your bit of data to the cloud. The Independence Day Conference 2021 was just such a conference. It is hosted by the renowned brokerage company unisonSteadfast AG and this time the theme was the future and the post-cloud world.

An interesting aspect of IDC Conference 2021 was that it was held in an innovative “hybrid” mode – guests and participants could meet both on-site and in a special online environment.

In addition to economics, which Tomáš Sedláček spoke about in his traditionally insightful way, artificial intelligence and many other topics, online work and functioning in the cloud will undoubtedly be a big topic in the post-covid era.

Thank you to the IDC team for the opportunity to present our vision for the future of the cloud, which is to centralize corporate data.

Published by Tadeas Marek

Founder & CEO