Zuora Subscription Billing Platform | Boost.space
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Zuora and Boost.space streamline subscription billing workflows.

Zuora supports subscription billing and revenue management for businesses. Boost.Space integration automates workflows, tracks subscriptions, and improves financial operations.

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Zuora Modules (23)

Get a head start with our Zuora integration templates or create your own

Create a Billing Preview Run (Advanced)

Creates a billing preview run for multiple customer accounts. Use the Perform a Billing Preview Run module to create and retrieve a billing preview run all in one module.

Create a Product Rate Plan (Advanced)

Create a product rate plan with custom JSON payload.

Create a Product Rate Plan Charge (Advanced)

Create a product rate plan charge for a specified rate plan using a custom JSON payload.

Create a Usage Record (Advanced)

Create a usage record with a JSON payload.

Describe an Object

Get all the information and fields from a Zuora object.

Download an Invoice File

Download the most current invoice as a PDF.

Get a Product Rate Plan Charge

Retrieve a product rate plan charge by id.

List All Custom Fields for an Object

Retrieve the custom fields of a specific object.

Make an API Call

Make an arbitrary authorized API call.

Perform a Billing Preview Run

Creates and retrieves a billing preview run. The maximum amount of time this module will check for the preview run to be complete is 6 mins, for larger runs use the Billing Preview Run (Advanced) modules.

Perform a Data Query

Submits and retrieves a data query performed by Zuora.

Retrieve a Billing Preview Run (Advanced)

Retrieves a preview of future invoice items for multiple customer accounts through a billing preview run.

Retrieve a Bill Run

Retrieves the information about a specific bill run.

Retrieve a Data Query (Advanced)

Retrieves a data query job.

Retrieve a File

Retrieve files such as export results, invoices, and accounting period reports.

Submit a Data Query (Advanced)

Submits a data query to be performed by Zuora and creates a query job.

Update a Product Rate Plan Charge (Advanced)

Updates the information about a product rate plan charge with a custom JSON payload.

Update a Product Rate Plan Charge Tier Price

Updates the price of a product rate plan charge tier. To make other updates to product rate plan charge tiers, use Update a Product Rate Plan Charge.

Update a Usage Record (Advanced)

Updates a usage record with a JSON payload.

List All Files of an Invoice

Retrieves the information about all PDF files of a specified invoice.

Run a ZOQL Query

Run a ZOQL query with preconfigured syntax.

Run a ZOQL Query (Advanced)

Run a ZOQL query with full control of syntax.

Run a ZOQL Query (Select)

Run a ZOQL query with preconfigured syntax.

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