ZoomInfo and Boost.space enhance B2B data integration workflows.
ZoomInfo delivers B2B contact and company data for sales and marketing. Integrated with Boost.Space, it automates workflows, tracks leads, and improves outreach strategies.

Get a head start with our ZoomInfo integration templates or create your own

Get Usage
Retrieves current usage status.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Enrich Company Master Data
Enriches company master data by its unique identifier.

Enrich Contact
Enriches contact information by its unique identifier.

Enrich Company
Enriches company information by its unique identifier.

Enrich Location
Enriches company location information by its Company ID.

Enrich Hierarchy
Enriches company corporate hierarchy information by its unique identifier.

Enrich Scoop
Enriches company scoop information by its company identifier.

Get a Company
Returns information about a company by its unique identifier.

Get a Contact
Returns information about a contact by its unique identifier.

Get a Scoop
Returns information about a company scoop by its company identifier.

List Company's Enrich Fields
Retrieves a list of fields you can specify as output for the company enrich endpoint.

Search Companies
Returns a list of companies that meet the specified search criteria.

Search Contacts
Returns a list of contacts that meet the specified search criteria.

Search Scoops
Returns a list of Scoops which meet the specified search criteria.