TradeGecko Inventory Management Tool |
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TradeGecko and optimize inventory and order management workflows.

TradeGecko simplifies inventory and order management for e-commerce businesses. Boost.Space integration automates workflows, synchronizes inventory data, and ensures efficient operations across sales channels.

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TradeGecko Modules (52)

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Watch New Companies

Check if new Company was created.

Watch New Contacts

Check if new Contact was created.

Watch New Purchase Orders

Check if new Purchase Order was created.

Watch New Order Line Items

Check if new Order Line Item was created.

Watch New Orders

Check if new Order was created.

Watch New Products

Check if new Product was created.

Watch New Purchase Order Line Items

Check if new Purchase Order Line Item was created.

Watch New Variants

Check if new Variant was created.

View a Variant

Retrieves the details of an existing Variant.

View a Purchase Order Line Item

Retrieves the details of an existing Purchase Order Line Item.

View a Purchase Order

Retrieves the details of an existing Purchase Order.

View a Product

Retrieves the details of an existing product.

View an Order Line Item

Retrieves the details of an existing Order Line Item.

View an Order

Retrieves the details of an existing Order.

View a Contact

Retrieves the details of an existing contact.

View a Company

Retrieves the details of an existing Company.

Update a Variant

Updates the specified Variant by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

Update a Purchase Order Line Item

Updates the specified Purchase Order Line Item. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

Update a Purchase Order

Updates the specified Purchase Order. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged

Update a Product

Updates the specified product. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

Update an Order

Updates the specified order. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

Update a Contact

Updates the specified Contact by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

Update a Company

Updates the specified Company. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

Delete a Variant

Permanently deletes a variant. It cannot be undone. This variant is no longer available for future Sales Orders.

Delete a Purchase Order Line Item

Permanently deletes a Purchase Order Line Item. It cannot be undone. This Purchase Order Line Item is no longer available for future Sales Orders.

Delete a Purchase Order

Permanently deletes a Purchase Order. It cannot be undone. This purchase_order is no longer available for future Sales Orders.

Delete a Product

Permanently deletes a product. It cannot be undone. This product is no longer available for future Sales Orders.

Delete an Order Line Item

Permanently deletes an Order Line Item. It cannot be undone. This Order Line Item is no longer available for future Sales Orders.

Delete an Order

Permanently deletes an order. It cannot be undone. This order is no longer available for future Sales Orders.

Delete a Contact

Permanently deletes a Contact. It cannot be undone. This Contact is no longer available for future Sales Orders.

Delete a Company

Permanently deletes a Company. It cannot be undone. This Company is no longer available for future Sales Orders.

Create a New Variant

Creates a new Variant object.

Create a New Purchase Order Line Item

Creates a new Purchase Order Line Item object.

Create a New Purchase Order

Creates a new Purchase Order object.

Create a New Product

Creates a new product object

Create a New Order

Creates a new order object.

Create a New Contact

Creates a new contact for company.

Create a New Company

Creates a new Company object.

Create a Stock Adjustment Line item

Creates a new stock adjustment line item.

Create a New Stock Adjustment

Creates a new stock adjustment.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Search Addresses

Returns a list of addresses.

Search Companies

Returns a list of companies.

Search Contacts

Returns a list of contacts.

List Fulfillments

Returns a list of fulfillments.

Search Order Line Items

Returns a list of order line items.

Search Orders

Returns a list of orders.

Search Products

Returns a list of products.

Search Purchase Order Line Items

Returns a list of purchase order line items.

Search Purchase Orders

Returns a list of purchase orders.

List Stock Adjustments

Returns a list of stock adjustments.

Search Variants

Returns a list of variants.

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