Thiio and Boost.space enhance product data integration workflows.
Thiio offers innovative solutions for automating repetitive business processes. Integrated with Boost.Space, it automates workflows, tracks progress, and ensures seamless operations.

Get a head start with our Thiio integration templates or create your own

Watch Approved Transaction
Receive transaction details when it's approved. You still need to activate the notification on Thiio's admin panel.

Watch Contact Created
Receive contact details when it's created. You still need to activate the notification on Thiio's admin panel.

Watch Customer Created
Receive customer details when it's created. You still need to activate the notification on Thiio's admin panel.

Watch Order Completed
Receive order details when a new order is completed. You still need to activate the notification on Thiio's admin panel.

Watch Product Conflicts
Receive product conflict details when they appear. You still need to activate the notification on Thiio's admin panel.

Watch Refund Applied
Receive refund details when it's applied. You still need to activate the notification on Thiio's admin panel.

Watch Shipping Info Updated
Receive shipping details when its info has been updated. You still need to activate the notification on Thiio's admin panel.

Watch Subscription Canceled
Receive subscription details when it's canceled. You still need to activate the notification on Thiio's admin panel.

Watch Survey Completed
Receive survey details when it is completed. You still need to activate the notification on Thiio's admin panel.

Watch Transaction Declined
Receive transaction details when it's declined. You still need to activate the notification on Thiio's admin panel.

Update Shipping Tracking Info
Updates shipping tracking Info on Thiio.

Create Order
Create an order on Thiio, you'll require the contact's personal information, billing and/or shipping address, among other things.

Create Contact
Create a new contact on Thiio.

Cancel Subscription
Cancel an active subscription on Thiio.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.