Tallyfy and Boost.space streamline business process workflows.
Tallyfy streamlines workflow automation for repetitive business tasks, ensuring consistency and compliance. Integrated with Boost.Space, it automates processes, tracks progress, and enhances team collaboration to optimize efficiency.

Get a head start with our Tallyfy integration templates or create your own

Archive a Process
Archives a process.

Update a Comment
Updates comment's content.

Launch a Process
Creates new process.

Delete a Comment
Deletes a comment of the task.

Create a Task
Creates a task.

Add a Comment
Adds a comment, issue or resolves issue.

Get a Task
Reads a task's information.

Delete a Task
Deletes a task.

Get a Process
Returns process data.

Update a Process
Updates selected process.

Complete a Task in a Process
Completes a task in a process.

Change a Task's Assignees
Changes a task's assignees.

Change a Task's Deadline
Changes a task's deadline.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Find a Task in a Process
Finds a task in a process.