SmartTask Team Task Management |
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SmartTask and streamline task management workflows.

SmartTask centralizes project and task management for teams. Through Boost.Space integration, it automates workflows, tracks progress, and improves operational efficiency.

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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Centralize data in with SmartTask integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, SmartTask integration, SmartTask integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
SmartTask Modules (23)

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Watch New Contacts

Triggers when a new contact is added in SmartTask

Watch New Tasks Added to Project

Triggers when a new task is added to a project

Watch Task Completion

Triggers when a task is completed in a project

Watch Task Custom Field Updates

Triggers when the custom field is updated in a task

Watch Task Reminders

Triggers on task reminder notification.

Watch Task Updates

Triggers when tasks are updated in a project

Watch Tags Added to Task

Triggers when a particular tag is added to a task in the organization

Add File Link To Task

Add file link url to list of files in a Task

Add Task Reminder

Adds reminder to a task

Add a Task Comment

Add comment to a task

Create Contact

Creates a new contact in SmartTask

Create Task

Creates a new task in SmartTask

Get Task

Fetches a particular task

Update a Task's Description

Updates description of the task

Update a Task's Name

Update Taskname

Update a Task's Status

Update status of a Task

Get Project Members

Fetches all project members

Get Task Reminders

Fetches reminders set on a task

Get Subtasks

Fetches subtasks of a task

Get Task Contacts

Fetches contacts attached in a task

Search Contacts By Email or Phone Number

Fetches contacts as per queried email or phone number

Search Contacts By Name

Fetches Contacts with name matching the one in the query

Search Tasks

Search Tasks by tags, projects and contacts (Note: There is a limit of 10 pages or 500 tasks in place.)

Centralise SmartTask data now
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