Smaily Email Marketing Automation |
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Smaily and optimize email marketing campaigns.

Smaily integration enhances email marketing workflows by automating campaign creation, list management, and analytics in Build meaningful connections and grow your audience effortlessly.

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Smaily Modules (16)

Get a head start with our Smaily integration templates or create your own

Update Subscriber Data

Updates a subscriber and their custom parameters in database.

Unsubscribe Subscriber from Specific Campaign

Unsubscribes a subscriber from a specific campaign. Useful for custom opt-out landing pages.

Send Message

Sends a transactional message, optionally with attachments. Does not trigger automation workflows.

Create and Launch Campaign

Launches a new campaign with a custom HTML template to an existing list.

Get Subscriber Data

Loads all of a subscriber's parameters from database.

Forget Subscriber

Forgets a subscriber's personal data, a GDPR-compliant API-call.

Get Campaign Statistics

Retrieves a campaign's information, including addresses sent to and statistics.

Trigger Automation Workflow

Triggers an automation workflow for addresses sent with the API-call.

Get A/B Test Statistics

Endpoint can be used to retrieve overview and detailed statistics of an A/B test.

List Subscriber Action Log

Endpoint can be used to request a list of subscriber actions in time sorted order (older actions first). Note! Subscriber Action Log contains only actions from the last 30 days.

List A/B Tests

This endpoint can be used to list A/B tests of an organization. Status and tag-based filters can be applied to return specific A/B tests.

List Automation Workflows

This endpoint returns a list of automation workflows of an organization.

List Campaigns

Lists campaigns, can be filtered

List Subscribers from Filter

Lists subscribers with all of their additional parameters from a filter / list.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

List Message Action Log

This endpoint can be used to fetch subscriber’s message actions (e.g. sent message, clicks, opt-outs, etc). Note! Message Action Log contains only actions from the last 30 days.

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