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Sheet Rocks and streamline spreadsheet data workflows.

Sheet Rocks integration automates spreadsheet workflows by centralizing data entry, tracking, and analytics in Simplify complex data management and streamline operations effectively.

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SheetRocks Modules (27)

Get a head start with our SheetRocks integration templates or create your own

Watch Approved Rows

Triggers when a row has changed from false to true.

Watch Updated Rows

Triggers when a row has been updated.

Add a Row

Adds a new row at the end of the sheet.

Add a Sheet

Adds a sheet to a workbook.

Add Multiple Rows

Adds multiple new rows at the end of the sheet.

Clear Formatting in Range

Removes the formatting for a given range.

Clear Values in Range

Clears the values of a given range.

Create a New Permission Rule

Creates a new permission rule.

Delete a Single Row

Deletes a single row in a sheet.

Delete a Single Row by Formula

Deletes a single row in a sheet using the COL syntax.

Delete Multiple Rows

Deletes multiple rows in a sheet.

Delete Multiple Rows by Formula

Deletes multiple rows in a sheet using the COL syntax.

Download a Sheet as CSV

Downloads the sheet as a csv.

Get a Row by Row Number

Retrieves a row data by using the row number.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Remove Duplicates in Range

Removes duplicate entries in the provided range.

Get a Single Row by Formula

Retrieves a single row matching the COL syntax formula.

Send an Email Notification

Sends an email notification to another SheetRocks user.

Send an Email Report

Sends a tabular email report to another SheetRocks user.

Update a Cell

Updates a single cell in your sheet.

Update a Single Row by Formula

Updates a single row in your sheet using the COL syntax to match.

Update Multiple Cells

Updates multiple cells in various rows and columns.

Update Multiple Rows by Formula

Updates multiple rows in a sheet using the COL syntax to match.

Update a Row

Updates a single row by row number.

Get Range Values

Gets a range content.

Get Multiple Rows by Formula

Retrieves multiple rows matching the COL syntax formula.

Search Rows

Searches for matching rows based on the search criteria.

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