Rooom EventCloud and streamline event management workflows.
Rooom EventCloud integration simplifies event management by automating registration, tracking, and engagement workflows in Deliver impactful virtual and hybrid events effortlessly.
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Get a Single User
Returns details about a specified user.
Get a Single Stage
Returns details about a specified stage.
Get a Single QAS
Returns details from specified QAS.
Get a Single Poll
Returns details of specified poll.
Get a Single Event
Returns details about a specified event.
Get a Single Convention
Returns details about a specified convention.
Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.
List Conventions
Returns conventions.
List Events
Returns events from a specified convention.
List Tracking History
Returns event history from a specified user and convention.
List Polls
Returns polls from a specified convention.
List QAS
Returns QAS from a specified convention.
List Stages
Returns stages from a specified convention.
List Users
Returns users from a specified convention.
List Tracking Events
Returns available tracking events from a specific user and convention.