QuestionPro and streamline survey and feedback management.
QuestionPro integration automates survey and feedback workflows, centralizing response tracking and analytics in Collect actionable insights and make better decisions with powerful survey tools.
Get a head start with our QuestionPro integration templates or create your own
Get a Response
Gets survey response information specified by ID.
Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.
Update a Survey
Updates survey information specified by ID.
Get a User
Gets user's information specified by ID.
Get a Survey
Gets survey information specified by ID.
Delete a Response
Deletes a response specified by ID.
Delete a User
Deletes a user specified by ID.
Create a Survey
Creates a new user's survey.
Send a Survey
Sends a survey invitation to the specified email addresses.
Create a User
Creates a new user.
Update a User
Updates user's information specified by ID.
Delete a Survey
Deletes a survey by specified ID.
List Users
Lists all users from organization.
List Responses
Lists all responses for the specified survey.
List Folder Surveys
Lists all surveys for the specific folder.
List Surveys
Lists all surveys for the specified user.