PassKit Mobile Wallet Integration Tools |
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Integrate PassKit with 2,233 other apps

PassKit and streamline digital loyalty card workflows.

PassKit integration streamlines digital wallet workflows by automating pass creation, distribution, and tracking within Deliver seamless customer experiences with loyalty cards, tickets, and coupons.

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Connection status - Active This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions in our documentation.
Centralize data in with PassKit integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, PassKit integration, PassKit integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
PassKit Modules (25)

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Watch Installed Passes

Triggers when a pass is installed on the device.

Watch Uninstalled Passes

Triggers when a pass is uninstalled from the device.

Watch Updated Passes

Triggers when a record of the specified PassKit object (e.g., Member, Coupon, etc.) is updated.

Watch Created Records

Triggers when a record of the specified PassKit object (e.g., Member, Coupon, etc.) is created.

Watch Deleted Records

Triggers when a record of the specified PassKit object (e.g., Member, Coupon, etc.) is deleted.

Change a Member Tier

Changes the tier for a member using either their Member/Pass ID or Unique Member ID.

Check-In a Member

Checks in a member using their Member/Pass ID or Unique Member ID.

Check-Out a Member

Checks out a member using their Member/Pass ID or Unique Member ID.

Create a Coupon

Create a coupon record and issue a single use pass.

Create a Ticket by Date

Issue a ticket for the provided date.

Create a Ticket by Event ID

Issues a ticket for an existing event.

Delete a Member

Deletes member using either their Member/Pass ID or Unique Member ID.

Create a Member

Creates a member and issues a membership/loyalty pass.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorised API call.

Redeem a Coupon

Redeems a coupon using either their Coupon ID or Unique ID.

Redeem a Ticket

Redeems a ticket using either their Ticket/Pass ID or Unique Ticket ID.

Set Points

Assigns points to a member by Member/Pass ID or Unique Member ID.

Update Coupon Personal Info

Updates personally identifiable information (PII) for the pass holder.

Update Members Pass

Updates member by either internal PassKit ID or External ID

Update Member Expiry Date

Updates the expiration date of a single member.

Update Member Personal Info

Updates personally identifiable information (PII) for the pass holder.

Search Coupon by Unique Coupon ID

Retrieves a coupon record by Unique Coupon ID.

Search Coupon by Coupon/Pass ID

Retrieves a coupon record by Coupon/Pass ID (22 characters) generated by PassKit.

Search Member by Member/Pass ID

Retrieves a member record by Member/Pass ID (22 characters) generated by PassKit.

Search Member by Unique Member ID

Retrieves a member record by Unique Member ID.

Centralise PassKit data now
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