ParseHub Web Scraping Made Easy |
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ParseHub and streamline web scraping workflows.

ParseHub integration automates web scraping workflows, centralizing data collection and analysis in Gather actionable insights and streamline data handling effortlessly.

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Connection status - Active with remarks This application needs additional settings. Please follow our documentation to create your connection.
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ParseHub Modules (10)

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Watch Runs

Triggers when a new run is started in a project.

Get Data For a Run

Returns the data that was extracted by a run.

Get a Run

Returns the run object for a given run token.

Cancel a Run

Cancels a run and changes its status to cancelled.

Delete a Run

Cancels and deletes a run and its data.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Get Last Ready Data

Returns the date for the most recent ready run for a project.

Get a Project

Gets a detail of a project in an account.

Run a Project

Starts running an instance of a project on the ParseHub cloud.

List Projects

Retrieves a list of all projects in an account.

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