OANDA Exchange Rates and Boost.space optimize currency conversion workflows.
OANDA Exchange Rates integration automates currency conversion and exchange rate tracking by centralizing workflows in Boost.space. Gain accurate, real-time financial data to optimize global transactions and budgeting strategies.

Get a head start with our Oanda Exchange Rates integration templates or create your own

Get Remaining Quotes in Current Billing Period
The number of remaining quotes in the current billing period.

Make an API Call
Perform an arbitrary authorized API call.

Get Daily Close and Average Exchange Rate
Get the daily close and average exchange rate for each currency pair specified.

Get Monthly Average Exchange Rates
Retrieves the average exchange rate(s) for a given time period, intended to be used to get Monthly exchange rates.

Get Spot Rates
Retrieves the current exchange rate(s), or the rate(s) at a specified point in time.