Ninox and streamline database management workflows.
Ninox integration centralizes database management workflows by automating data entry, tracking, and reporting within Customize relational databases, collaborate effectively, and gain insights with ease.
Get a head start with our Ninox integration templates or create your own
Watch Record Events
Receive events when records have been created or updated.
Upload File To A Record
Uploads files to a Ninox record.
Update Record
Updates a record.
Look Up Record
Returns a record based on the information you provide.
Get Record
Returns a single record given the ID of it.
Download File From Record
Downloads a file attached to a record
Delete Record
Deletes a single record.
Delete File From Record
Deletes a file from a Ninox record.
Create Record
Creates a new record in a table.
Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.
List Files From Record
Lists files associated with the record. Does not download the file, just information about the files.
List Databases
Lists all databases within a team.
List Database Table Records
Lists all records of the specified table.
List Database Tables
Lists all the tables in a database.
List Teams
Lists all your teams.