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Memberstack and enhance user account workflows.

MemberStack integration automates membership and user authentication workflows by centralizing account management, payment processing, and content restriction tools in Build secure and scalable membership experiences effortlessly.

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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Connection status - Active with remarks This application needs additional settings. Please follow our documentation to create your connection.
Centralize data in with Memberstack integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, Memberstack integration, Memberstack integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
Memberstack Modules (15)

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Watch Deleted Members

Triggers when a member is deleted.

Watch Canceled Member Plans

Triggers when a member's plan is canceled.

[DEPRECATED] Watch Replaced Member Plans

Triggers when a member's plan is replaced.

Watch Updated Member Plans

Triggers when a member's plan is updated. Any time the status of the plan updates or payment period updates (e.g. when a subscription renews, if the billing period is edited in the Stripe dashboard, etc.).

Watch Updated Members

Triggers when a member is updated.

Watch New Members

Triggers when a new member is created.

Watch Added Member Plans

Triggers when a plan is added to a member. Memberstack allows member's to have multiple plans, and this trigger fires each time a plan is added to a member.

Update a Member

Updates a member.

Remove a Free Plan From Member

Removes a free plan from a member.

Get a Member

Retrieves a member by its ID.

Delete a Member

Deletes a member.

Create a Member

Creates a member with no plans or a free plan.

Add a Free Plan to Member

Adds a free plan to a member.

[DEPRECATED] Execute a GraphQL Query

Performs an arbitrary authorized GraphQL query.

List Members

Returns a list of members.

Centralise Memberstack data now
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