Meero and Boost.space enhance photo and video production workflows.
Meero integration simplifies visual content production by automating workflows and centralizing media management within Boost.space. Track project progress, collaborate on edits, and deliver high-quality visuals faster.

Get a head start with our Meero integration templates or create your own

Watch Shoots
Receives notification from shoot.

Watch Prospect Shoots
Receives notification from prospect shoot.

Get Media
Retrieve a media.

Update Customer
Update a customer.

Create Shoot
Create a new shoot.

Update Shoot
Update a shoot.

Get Agency
Retrieve an agency.

Get Customer
Retrieve a customer.

Get Shoot
Retrieve a shoot.

Get Media Information
Retrieve a media information.

Get Pack
Retrieve a pack.

Get Product Subject
Retrieve a product subject.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Get Product
Retrieve a product.

Cancel Shoot
Cancel a shoot.

Create Prospect Shoot
Create a new prospect shoot.

Create Agency
Create a new agency.

Update Agency
Update an agency.

Get Export Setting
Retrieve an export setting.

Create Customer
Create a new customer.

Get Prospect Shoot
Retrieve a prospect shoot.

Get Media Thumbnail
Retrieve a media thumbnail.

Get Modification Reason
Retrieve a modification reason.

Update Prospect Shoot
Update a prospect shoot.

List Product Subjects
Retrieve all your product subjects.

Search Prospect Shoots
Retrieve all your prospect shoots.

List Packs
Retrieve all your packs.

Search Shoots
Retrieve all your shoots.

List Customers
Retrieve all your customers.

List Agencies
Retrieve all your agencies.

Search Products
Retrieve all your products.

List Shoot Media
Retrieve all your shoot media.

List Export Settings
Retrieve all your export settings.

List Modification Reasons
Retrieve all your modification reasons.