Mattermost Team Collaboration Simplified |
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Mattermost and streamline team collaboration workflows.

Mattermost integration centralizes team communication and collaboration workflows within Automate task updates, track conversations, and streamline project management for improved efficiency.

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Mattermost Modules (33)

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Watch New Users

Triggers when a new user is added.

Watch New Posts Pinned for a Channel

Triggers when a new post is pinned for the channel.

Watch New Posts

Trigger when a new post is added.

Upload a File

Uploads a file.

Patch a Post

Partially updates a post by providing only the fields you want to update. Omitted fields will not be updated.

Send a Verification Email

Sends an email with a verification link to a user that has an email matching the one in the request body. This endpoint will return success even if the email does not match any users on the system.

Remove a User from a Team

Removes a user from a team.

Pin a Post to the Channel

Pins a post to the channel.

Invite Users to the Team by Email

Invites users to the existing team using the user's email.

Unpin a Post to the Channel

Unpins a post to the channel.

Get a User by Its Username

Gets a user object by providing a username. Sensitive information will be sanitized out.

Get a User

Gets a user.

Get a File

Gets an uploaded file.

Get a Team Stats

Gets a team stats on the system.

Get a Post

Gets a post.

Get a Public File Link

Gets a public link for a file that can be accessed without logging into Mattermost.

Get Channel Statistics

Gets statistics for a channel.

Get a Channel

Gets channel from the provided channel id string.

Get a Team by Name

Gets infomation about a team based on provided name string.

Execute a Command

Executes a command.

Delete a Post

Deletes a post.

Delete a Command

Deletes a command based on command id string.

Deactivate a User Account

Deactivates the user by archiving its user object.

Create a New User

Creates a new user on the system.

Create a Post

Creates a post.

Create a Command

Creates a command for a team.

Check if the Team Exists

Checks if the team exists based on a team name.

Add a User to a Team

Adds a user to a team.

Get Channel Posts

Retrieves a list of posts for a channel.

List Posts in a Thread

Gets a post and the rest of the posts in the same thread.

List Channel Members

Retrieves a list of members for a channel.

List Commands for a Team

Retrieves a list of commands for a team.

List Team Members

Retrieves a list of members in the team.

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