Mailchimp Email Marketing Integration |
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Integrate Mailchimp with 2,228 other apps

Mailchimp and streamline email marketing management.

Mailchimp integration streamlines email marketing workflows by automating campaign creation, audience segmentation, and performance tracking in Enhance engagement and drive better results effortlessly.

Centralise Mailchimp data now See documentation
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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Connection status - Active This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions in our documentation.
Centralize data in with Mailchimp integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, Mailchimp integration, Mailchimp integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
Mailchimp Modules (46)

Get a head start with our Mailchimp integration templates or create your own

Watch Campaigns

Triggers when a new campaign is created or sent.

Watch Files

Triggers when a new file is added.

Watch Lists

Triggers when a new list is created.

Watch List Segments

Triggers when a segment is created or updated.

Watch Subscribers

Triggers when a new subscriber joins a list or is updated.

Watch Unsubscribes

Triggers when a subscriber unsubscribes from a campaign.

Watch List Events

Triggers when one of the defiend events occurs on a list.

Update a Merge Field

Updates an existing merge field.

Update a List

Updates an existing list.

Update a Campaign

Updates an existing campaign.

Remove a Member from a Segment

Removes a member from the specified static segment.

Perform a Campaign Action

Performs a campaign action.

Get a Subscriber

Gets metadata of a subsciber by email.

Get a Merge Field

Retrieves an existing merge field.

Get a List

Gets metadata of a specified list.

Get a Click Report

Retrives an existing click report.

Get a Campaign Report

Gets a campaign report.

Get a Campaign

Gets metadata of a specified campaign.

Edit a Subscriber

Edits an existing subscriber.

Edit a Campaign Template Content

Edits a defined content area of a custom HTML template.

Delete a Subsciber

Archives or permanently deletes a subscriber.

Delete a Merge Field

Deletes an existing merge field.

Delete a List

Deletes a list.

Delete a Campaign

Deletes a campaign.

Create an Order

Creates a new order.

Create a Merge Field

Creates a new merge field.

Create a List

Creates a new list.

Create a Campaign

Creates a new campaign.

Add/Update a Subscriber

Adds an email address to a subscriber list.

Add/Remove Member Tags

Adds or removes tags from a list member.

Add/Update a List Member

Adds or updates a list member.

Add an Event

Adds a new event to the member.

Add a Member to a Segment

Adds a new member to a static segment.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

List List's Activities

Retrieves up to the previous 180 days of daily detailed aggregated activity stats for a list.

List Campaign Open Details

Lists all campaign open details.

List Click Reports

Lists all click reports.

List List Members' Activities

Get the last 50 events of a member's activity on a specific list.

List Member Tags

Retireves a list of all member tags

Lists Segment Members

Retrieves a list of all segment members.

Search Subscribers

Searches for the subscribers.

List Survey Answers

Lists survey answers.

Search Campaigns

Searches for the campaigns.

Search Lists

Searches for the lists.

Search Member Events

Searches for member events or lists them all.

Search Merge Fields

Searches for merge fields or lists them all.

Centralise Mailchimp data now
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