Mail Komplet Advanced Email Marketing |
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Mail Komplet and optimize email marketing workflows.

Mail Komplet integration centralizes email marketing workflows, enabling businesses to design, automate, and track campaigns directly in Streamline contact management, monitor engagement, and optimize strategies for more effective communication with your audience.

Centralise Mail Komplet data now See documentation
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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Connection status - Active with remarks This application needs additional settings. Please follow our documentation to create your connection.
Centralize data in with Mail Komplet integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, Mail Komplet integration, Mail Komplet integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
Mail Komplet Modules (20)

Get a head start with our Mail Komplet integration templates or create your own

Import Contacts in Bulk

Imports multiple contacts in a bulk. Overwrite mode and preimport action could be specified.

Get State of Bulk Import

Gets state of contacts' bulk import.

Remove Contact from Mailing List

Removes contacts from selected mailing lists. More contact ids could be specified.

Delete Mailing List

Deletes a mailing list

Insert Exclude List Item

Inserts new exclude list item

Insert Mailing List

Inserts a mailing list

Insert Or Update Order

Inserts new order.

Insert Or Update Orders

Inserts new orders in batch.

Insert Subscribe Request

Inserts a subscribe request.

Remove Item From Exclude List

Removes an item from exclude list

Send Transactional Email without Campaign

Sends a transactional email without setting a campaign in Mail Komplet. Necessary data needs to be set, such as senders' email, name, subject of an email etc.

Send Transactional Email with Campaign

Sends a transactional email, based on a campaign, which is set in Mail Komplet.

Update Contact

Updates existing contact

Update Mailing List

Updates a mailing list

Insert Contact

Inserts new contact or updates existing (by email address).

List Contacts

Lists contacts from your account. It is possible get just one contact by email address or contact ID. You can filter by mailing list ID.

List Exclude List Items

Lists exclude list items.

List Mailing Lists

Lists mailing lists from your account.

List Orders

Lists orders from your account. It is possible to get just one order by order ID. You can filter by shop ID.

Get an Order's Detail

Gets detail of an order.

Centralise Mail Komplet data now
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