Loopy Loyalty Build Customer Loyalty Programs | Boost.space
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Loopy Loyalty and Boost.space simplify loyalty program management.

Loopy Loyalty integration allows businesses to manage and track customer rewards programs directly in Boost.space. Automate loyalty point tracking, analyze engagement trends, and build stronger customer relationships.

Centralise Loopy Loyalty data now See documentation
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Connection status - Active This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions in our documentation.
Centralize data in Boost.space with Loopy Loyalty integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, Loopy Loyalty integration, Loopy Loyalty integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
Loopy Loyalty Modules (16)

Get a head start with our Loopy Loyalty integration templates or create your own

Watch Enrollments

Triggers when a customer enrols into a loyalty card program.

Watch Earned Rewards

Triggers when a reward is earned.

Watch Forfeited Rewards

Triggers when a reward is forfeited by deducting stamps.

Watch Redeemed Rewards

Triggers when a reward is redeemed.

Watch Stamped

Triggers when a stamp is either added or forfeited.

Send Push Message to a Customer

Send messages to a single customer.

Send a Push Message

Sends a message to all card holders.

Redeem a Reward with a Unique ID

Redeems a reward from a customer card using a unique customer ID.

Redeem a Reward

Redeems a reward from a customer's card.

Enroll a Customer

Adds a customer to your program.

Delete a Customer

Deletes a customer by ID. ⚠️Once a customer has been deleted, their card will be invalidated and they won’t be able to earn any more stamps or redeem any rewards.

Add Stamps with a Unique ID

Add one or multiple stamps to a customer's card with customer's unique id.

Add Stamps

Add one or multiple stamps to a customer's card.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorised API call.

Search Customer

Searches for a customer by ID

Search Customer by Unique ID

Searches for a customer by unique ID.

Centralise Loopy Loyalty data now
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