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Centralize data and automate business processes with Homerunner integrations

Streamline your business processes by centralizing your Homerunner data. connects to your IT tools and helps aggregate their data into central databases. Data centralization serves as the foundation for easy collaboration across teams, process automation across tools, and data analysis with a complete story.

Integrate Homerunner with thousands of other apps in a few clicks.

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Connection status - Active This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions in our documentation.
Centralize data in with Homerunner integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, Homerunner integration, Homerunner integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
Homerunner Modules (31)

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WMS - Suggest a Warehouse

This endpoint can be used to suggests a warehouse. Returns suggested warehouse. (WMS - Suggest Warehouse)

WMS - Get a Single Order

This endpoint will return a single order. (WMS - Get Single Order)

WMS - Create an Order

This endpoint can be used to create orders/shipments at warehouses that is integrated at Homerunner. This allows you to choose a specific warehouse or to split orders. (WMS - Create Order)

WMS - Cancel an Order

This endpoint can be used to cancel a order. (WMS - Cancel Order)

V3 - Validate a Shipment

Validate Shipment endpoint can be use to validate a price for a shipment before shipping. This will return if Homerunner are able to handle the data and the final price. (V3 - Validate Shipment)

V3 - Validate a Address

Validate Address endpoint can be used to validate if a carrier are able to handle deliveries for an address. Returns validation. (V3 - Validate Address)

V3 - Track a Shipment

This endpoint will return all tracking events for a shipment by using package number. (V3 - Get Tracking Shipments)

V3 - Track a Consigment

This endpoint is used to track consigments by consignment number. Returns details about a consignment. (V3 - Get Tracking Consigments)

V3 - Get a Report Status

This endpoint will return report status by id. (V3 - Get Report Status)

V3 - Create a Shipment

This endpoint is used to create shipping labels at Homerunner. This can be used for all supported carriers by Homerunner. (V3 - Create Shipment)

V3 - Create a Report

This endpoint will create a report. (V3 - Create Report)

V3 - Create a Consignment

This endpoint can be used to create orders with got multiple shipments for a single order. (V3 - Create Consignment)

V3 - Cancel a Shipment

This endpoint will cancel a shipment by a package number. (V3 - Cancel Shipment)

V3 - Cancel a Label

This endpoint will cancel a label by a consignment number. (V3 - Cancel Labels)

PRINTERSERVICE - Send a Label To a Printer

This endpoint can be used to send a label to a printer by printer alias. (PRINTERSERVICE - Send Label To Printer)

PRINTERSERVICE - Get Specific Printer

This endpoint will return a specific printer by printer alias. (PRINTERSERVICE - Get Specific Printer)

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


This endpoint will return all printers. (PRINTERSERVICE - Get Printers)

V3 - Search city by zipcode

This endpoint can be used to find a city name only by using the zip code. Returns city. (V3 - Autocity)

V3 - List Servicepoints

This endpoint can be used to get all servicepoints near an address or a zip code. (V3 - Find List Servicepoints)

V3 - Find a Single Servicepoint

This endpoint will return a single servicepoint by id. (V3 - Find Single Servicepoint)

V3 - Get a Label

This endpoint can be used to return a label using the package number. (V3 - Get Label)

V3 - Get Labels

This endpoint can be used to return labels with a consignment number. (V3 - Get Labels)

V3 - Get a Report

This endpoint will return reports in JSON by id. (V3 - Get report (JSON))

V3 - Get a Shipment

This endpoint can be used to get all informations about a shipment from a packages number. Returns a shipment. (V3 - Get Shipment)

V3 - Search Shipments

This endpoint can be used for retrieving shipments with filters. (V3 - Get shipments with filters)

V3 - Get Shipping Products

This endpoint is used to get all shipping products available for an account at Homerunner by country code. Returns a list of products. (V3 - Get Shipping Products)

V3 - Simple Products List

This endpoint is used to get all shipping products available for an account at Homerunner, by using 'from country' and 'to country'. Where 'to country' is optional (V3 - Get Simple Products List)

WMS - Get All Orders

This endpoint will return all orders in a list. (WMS - Get All Orders)

WMS - Get Updated Orders

This endpoint returns a list of updated orders. Search by status, date from and date to. (WMS - Get Updated Orders)

WMS - Get All Warehouses

This enpoint returns all warehouses. (WMS - Get Warehouses)

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