Streamline webinars with GoToWebinar and Boost.space integration.
GoToWebinar is an online webinar platform that enables businesses to host virtual events, product demos, and training sessions. With GoToWebinar, companies can reach a larger audience with features like real-time polling, Q&A, and session recording. It offers tools for seamless registration and attendee management, making it easier to organize and promote webinars. GoToWebinar is ideal for businesses looking to share knowledge, engage customers, or launch products in a virtual environment. Its scalability makes it suitable for both small and large-scale events.

Get a head start with our GoToWebinar integration templates or create your own

Watch Webinar or Registrant
Watches registrant joined/added or webinar created/updated events.

Cancel a Webinar
Cancels a specific webinar.

Create a Webinar Registrant
Creates a webinar registrant using basic fields.

Create a Webinar
Creates a single session webinar, a sequence of webinars or a series of webinars.

Delete a Webinar Registrant
Removes a webinar registrant from current registrations for the specified webinar.

Get a Webinar
Retrieves a webinar.

Get a Webinar Registrant
Retrieves a webinar registrant.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Update a Webinar
Updates a webinar.

List All Account Webinars
Retrieves webinars scheduled by the current account.

List All Insession Webinars
Retrievesall insession webinars scheduled by the organizer.

List All Organizer Webinars
Retrieves upcoming and past webinars scheduled by the current user/organizer.

List a Webinar's Registrants
Retrieves the registrants of a webinar.

List a Webinar's Registration Fields
Lists the registration fields of a webinar.